How does Kumon work and benefit children?
How we can help you
Students can start learning with Kumon from age two upwards. We currently have students as young as two years old studying with us, ranging all the way up to those about to go to university; Kumon helps children of any age and any ability. The sooner children begin, the earlier they can start developing skills to gain the greatest cumulative benefit; as soon as you feel your family is ready to make the commitment to long-term study, Kumon will be ready to help you achieve your goal.
They don't. A Kumon student progresses based on their current ability and not their age, although we believe that every child has unlimited potential and can ultimately tackle advanced work through well-paced and individualised instruction. We have children of similar ages studying different material and children of different ages studying the same material. Everything is dependent on the student's needs, not on how old they are.
As a global programme, Kumon does not follow a school curriculum, but rather is complementary to curricula across the world. The primary aim of the Kumon Method is to develop independent learning skills. These independent learning skills enhance the students’ performance right across the school curriculum. Kumon operates at exactly the right level for each student – regardless of their age – ensuring that work set extends and develops their skills, confidence and ability.
Along with daily worksheet practice at home, Kumon students regularly study with their Instructor, either in the centre and/or online. Class typically lasts for about 30 minutes per subject, or for as long as is required to complete their work for the day. This will depend on their current needs and the difficulty of the work.
Though the greatest reward a child can receive for their hard work is the confidence to overcome any challenge and the sense of pride for mastering advanced work, we also believe it is important to reward our students for their achievements. Kumon students can achieve numerous awards throughout their journey, to recognise reaching key milestones and studying advanced work for their age. Local awards ceremonies are also held, at which students and parents come together to celebrate the achievements of Kumon students.